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Dinner Meetings

November Dinner Meeting 2024

Tuesday, November 19, 2024
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

Crowne Plaza - N. Chas.
5:30pm registration
6:30pm meeting
$65/member after November 12th*. 
*Limited number of spots available.

Professional Head Shots:
The Next Gen Committee is hosting head shots from 3:30 - 6:20pm to raise funds for NAAPAC.  A minimum $20 donation made by personal CC is required to register.  This will take place in the ballroom of the Crowne Plaza.  Click "Register Now" to reserve your spot.  

Russ Webb, Speaker
"Think Differently! Change is NOT a four letter word. It's imperative to adapt or become obsolete."

Russ Webb is the Executive Director of the Bay Area Apartment Association, having moved south to the Tampa Bay Area in 2020 after 21 years of managing the Atlanta & Georgia Apartment Associations. A tech junkie and speaker extraordinaire. For nearly two decades Webb has taken on the challenge of a constituency of more than 2000 member companies, and is passionate about helping other organizations reach their potential. He is a teacher at heart and the originator of edu-tainment – making people laugh while learning.

Lydia Ackerman
Lydia Ackerman Darby Development Co.
Tracy Agrella
Tracy Agrella CRM Services
Tina Asher
Tina Asher Boltons Landing Village Apartments
Matt Ashley
Matt Ashley Sales Representative Maritime Pools LLC
Monica Begg
Monica Begg Legacy Apartment Staffing
Michael Bell
Michael Bell Director of Client Relations Loebsack & Brownlee PLLC
Todd Bell
Todd Bell Operations Manager Superhero Fire Protection
Donna Bolewitz
Donna Bolewitz Grayco Properties
Austin Bonar
Austin Bonar Sweetwater pools
Daniel Bretzke
Daniel Bretzke Property Manager 35 Folly Apartments
Susan Burke
Susan Burke Continental Realty Corp
Tammy Carvajal2
Tammy Carvajal2 Asset Living
Jackie Castimore
Jackie Castimore Adminstrative Director Restored Air Disaster Solutions
Sedra Charap
Sedra Charap Director of Property Management JDC Management
Tiffany Cochran
Tiffany Cochran Regional Sales Manager Impact Trash Solutions
Bradley Cole
Bradley Cole Owner Monster Clean
Antwayne Commodore
Antwayne Commodore Valet Living
Victoria Cowart
Victoria Cowart PetScreening
Lauren Craven
Lauren Craven Lively Indigo Run
Noelle Daykin1
Noelle Daykin1 FCA Management
Noelle Daykin1
Noelle Daykin1 Vest Residential (frmly FCA)
Michael DelDuca
Michael DelDuca Vest Residential (frmly FCA)
Morgan Dunn
Morgan Dunn Associate Attorney Brownlee, Whitlow & Praet
Myriam Ellis
Myriam Ellis Mosby Ingleside
Erik Emmett
Erik Emmett Blue Collars
Alex Espinoza
Alex Espinoza Blue Collars LLC
Tim Ferguson
Tim Ferguson Greystar
Tamala Gadsden
Tamala Gadsden Grayco Properties
Zachary Geraci
Zachary Geraci Owner Essential Building Services, LLC
Barbara Gillis
Barbara Gillis Willow Bridge (frmly Lincoln)
Michelle Gordon
Michelle Gordon Regional Manager Pegasus Residential
Kathryn Gorman
Kathryn Gorman Regional Manager Asset Living
Eric Goshorn
Eric Goshorn Sales & Marketing Manager ServPro of South & West Charleston
Carlye Guthrie
Carlye Guthrie Atlantic Beach House
Carly Haslett
Carly Haslett Sales Executive at Rent. Rent.
LaTasha Hayre
LaTasha Hayre Darby Development Co.
Rachel Hechavarria
Rachel Hechavarria Willow Bridge (frmly Lincoln)
Steve Hodge
Steve Hodge STAG Partners
Cathy Hontz
Cathy Hontz Senior Sales Executive Rent.
Thomas Howard
Thomas Howard Brownlee, Whitlow & Praet
Joey Ingham
Joey Ingham Apartments.Com
Brandy Jewell
Brandy Jewell Asset Living
Dana Jiles
Dana Jiles Regional Director Bell Partners Inc
Abby Johnson
Abby Johnson Brand Marketing Coordinator Loebsack & Brownlee PLLC
Miles Jones
Miles Jones Darby Development Co.
William Joyner
William Joyner Senior Account Manager Massey Services Inc
Brandon Kerchner
Brandon Kerchner Maintenance Supervisor Satori West Ashley
Adriana King
Adriana King Beckstone Apartments
Kaitlyn Klaiber
Kaitlyn Klaiber Community Manager Madison Communities
Kaitlyn Klaiber
Kaitlyn Klaiber Community Manager The Porter
Ruthann Klaiber
Ruthann Klaiber Operations/Yardi Support Manager Madison Communities
Jamie Kloncz
Jamie Kloncz Commercial Account Executive Blue Collars
Robert Knight
Robert Knight Pivotal Restoration
Dianne Lang
Dianne Lang Ari Apartment Management (frmly RE Carroll Management)
Karri Leckie
Karri Leckie Asset Manager PEM Real Estate Group
Michelle Lorick
Michelle Lorick Community Manager Founders Yard Apartments
Lindsay MacDonald
Lindsay MacDonald Avalon at James Island
Anne Machowski
Anne Machowski Regional Director RangeWater Real Estate
Taylor Marion
Taylor Marion Assistant Property Manager FCA Management
Taylor Marion
Taylor Marion Assistant Property Manager Vest Residential (frmly FCA)
Mandy Mays-Polin
Mandy Mays-Polin Senior District Sales Manager Rent.
Jim McFadden
Jim McFadden Business Development / Sales Bella Mulch
Sunshine Moon
Sunshine Moon WATERMARK
Laura Morrison
Laura Morrison Camellia at One Nexton
Doug Norman
Doug Norman Regional Manager - Charleston • Charlotte Heaven and Earth Landscaping
Dana Page
Dana Page Regional Manager American Landmark
Scott parker
Scott parker Azure Carnes Crossroads
Taylor Peake
Taylor Peake Paralegal - SC Loebsack & Brownlee PLLC
Russ Peterson
Russ Peterson Evolution Sustainability Group
Ashley Pourron
Ashley Pourron US Lawns of Charleston
Kyle Robbins
Kyle Robbins Braetr Construction
Kate Rohrbaugh
Kate Rohrbaugh The Willow
Colby Rotach
Colby Rotach Pivotal Restoration
Kathlina Sampson
Kathlina Sampson Greystar
Jerry Scott
Jerry Scott Co-Founder / CEO ResponseGrid, LLC
Tracy Self
Tracy Self Superhero Fire Protection
Zach Sewing
Zach Sewing Sales and Marketing Representative Rumsey Construction & Restoration
Falon Sharpe
Falon Sharpe Community Concierge Services
Kristi Sheppard
Kristi Sheppard Grayco Properties
Glory Smith
Glory Smith American Landmark
Alyssa Snider
Alyssa Snider Property Manager WestShore LLC
Mary Thodosoff
Mary Thodosoff Darby Development Co.
Brittany Tuttle
Brittany Tuttle Property Manager The Landing Townhomes
Ashley Van Diemen
Ashley Van Diemen Senior Property Manager Proximity Residences
Charlie Wessel
Charlie Wessel Owner Anchor Roofing and Exteriors, LLC
Matt Wylly
Matt Wylly Valet Living
Bora Yatagan
Bora Yatagan Sales Manager Maritime Pools LLC
Matt Morrison
Matt Morrison Client Services Manager Loebsack & Brownlee PLLC
Michael Harrington
Michael Harrington Partner Loebsack & Brownlee PLLC
17 Other Registered Attendees